Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community
The American Legion Auxiliary Post #80 in Hulett is updating the Veterans Wall at the Greater Hulett Community Center and is asking anyone who is a veteran, or has a veteran in their family and wishes to have them recognized, to submit a 5”x7” photo and a maximum of one page article to the Auxiliary by March 1, 2025.
The photo and information article needs to be dropped off at Town Hall office in Hulett or mailed to Box 444, Hulett, WY 82720.
This wall includes all veterans of wars and conflicts since 1918. Any veteran that has served or is serving is eligible and service is not limited to wartime.
Any person that has been or is currently serving in any branch of the military is also included. If you need additional information contact Linda Ellefson by calling 307-680-0680 and by mail to PO Box 444, Hulett, WY 82720.