Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community


Town of Hulett

The following revenues and expenditures are hereby anticipated for the Town of Hulett, Crook County Wyoming for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025

Revenue & Expense Summary  FY2024-2025

Revenue Summary 

  General Revenues $367,720.00

  General restricted funds $83,100.00

  Enterprise Funds $290,512.00

  Other (airport, GHCC, rally) $112,505.00

Total General Revenue  $450,820.00

Total Enterprise Revenue Funds  $290,512.00

Expense Summary

  General Expense $167,370.00

  Public Works/Enterprise Funds $266,297.00

  Public Works (streets, Maint, Parks&Rec) $157,648.00

  Public Safety (police, fire, ambulance) $125,802.00

  Other (airport, GHCC, rally) $112,505.00

Total General Expenses  $450,820.00

Total Enterprise Expenses Funds  $266,297.00

Surplus (Shortage) General Budget $0.00

Set Aside Sewer  $4,913.00

Set Aside Water


Set Aside Landfill  $4,716.00

1% Special Purpose Option Tax 


1% SPOT TAX Reserve  $890,000.00

Spot tax collected  $300,000.00

Total 1% SPOT Tax/grants  $1,190,000.00


Grants & Projects   

Airport runway maint  $176,400.00

Red Devl phase 3 ARPA  $1,401,200.00

Landfill monitoring wells  $28,000.00

SAF projects  $200,000.00

Total Grants and projects $1,805,600.00


1% SPOT Tax Projects  $1,190,000.00

Grants and Projects  $1,805,600.00

Ordinance 1 Series 2024

This Appropriation Ordinance Includes the .008 mill tax levied on all properties within the corporate limits of the Town Of Hulett of Crook County Wyoming and the Hulett Town Council hereby directs the assessor of Crook County to levy the same.

1st Reading 2-Apr-24

2nd Reading 1-May-24

3rd Reading 5-Jun-24

Publish: July 18, 2024

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