Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community

Crook County Sheriff's Office

May 27 – Juvenile problem. Two welfare checks. Three traffic stops. Other. Disturbance. Animal complaint. Business check. Suspicious circumstances.

May 28 – Four VIN checks. Six traffic stops. Assisted another agency. Assisted Wyoming Highway Patrol. Citizen assist. Disturbance. Motorist assist. Suspicious person. Trespassing.

May 29 – Ten VIN checks. Five traffic stops. Animal complaint. Two EMS calls. Business checks. Information report. Threatening. Trespassing.

May 30 – Six VIN checks. Three paper services. Three traffic stops. Crash. Assisted another agency. Assisted Wyoming Highway Patrol. Business checks. Escort. Prisoner transport. Suspicious circumstances. Welfare check.

May 31 – Nine VIN checks. Eight traffic stops. Citizen assist. Traffic complaint. Motorist assist. Assist to game & fish. Three EMS pages. Three fire pages

June 1 – Eight traffic stops. Two animal complaints. Citizen assist. Housewatch. Business checks. Welfare check. Abandoned vehicle. Suspicious circumstance. Two motorist assists. EMS page.

June 2 – Vin check. Four traffic stops. Business checks. Welfare check. Traffic hazard. Animal complaint. Property damage accident. Nudity complaint. Two motorist assists. EMS page.

June 3 – Seven VIN checks. Three traffic stops. Crash. Assisted Wyoming Highway Patrol. Motorist assist. Business checks. Suspicious person. EMS call.

June 4 – Eight VIN checks. Six traffic stops. Assisted another agency. Assisted Wyoming Highway Patrol. Business checks. Citizen assist. Two EMS calls. Motorist assist. Paper service. Fingerprints. Traffic complaint.

June 5 – Five VIN checks. Sixteen traffic stops. Alarm. Assisted Wyoming Highway Patrol. Business checks. Citizen assist. Two motorist assists. Fingerprints. Paper service. Traffic complaint. Traffic hazard.

June 6 – VIN check. Six traffic stops. Animal complaint. Business checks. Citizen assist. Welfare check.

June 7 – Three VIN checks. Three traffic stops. Two paper services. Assist to Wyoming Highway Patrol. Two sets fingerprints. Accident; no injuries. Suspicious circumstance. Business checks. Motorist assist. DUI arrest. EMS page.

June 8 – Business checks. Suspicious circumstance. Two traffic stops. Animal complaint. Two assists to other agencies. Traffic hazard. Fire page. Livestock. Search.

June 9 – VIN check. Two traffic stops. Five business checks. Assist other agency. Three traffic hazards. Motorist assist. Citizen dispute. Paper service.

Inmates – Five males, one female.

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