Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community

Town Council

Hulett Town Council

The Hulett Town Council met on May 1, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council Backen, Bears, Johnson, Kennah and Mayor Parsons.

Motion to approve the agenda, Bears/Backen, mc.

Motion to approve the minutes of the April meeting, Kennah/Backen, mc.

Brian Neiman, Rec Board President asked council if they could add more fill dirt to the shooting range tires. Mayor asked if the tires should be rotated? Council had no issued with this project.

Kelly Dennis along with a consultant to develop a comprehensive plan for the county discussed the program with council. It would be a cost share between the county and towns. The plan could entail a lot of projects including pathways and parks. There will be a fall community input meeting.

Bid opening for the yellow non-running fire truck. One bid received from Brian McCollum for $1,525. Motion to accept the bid, Kennah/Backen, mc.

Motion to approve the financial report, Backen/Kennah, mc.

Police report given

No public works report.

Bills: Motion to pay general bills, Backen/Kennah, mc. Motion to pay airport bills, Backen/Bears, mc.

2nd reading of the 2024-2025 budget was read and approved, Backen/Bears, mc.

Motion to appoint Lincoln Driskill to the airport board, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Mayor Parsons made Derrick Backen as Mayor pro-tem and removing Terri Johnson. Backen needs added to the bank signatures cards and Terri Johnson removed. Ted Parsons, Melissa Bears and Terry McAmis will also remain on the signature cards.

Motion to approve the school building permit for a greenhouse, Kennah/Johnson, mc.

Motion to approve Matt Lohmeir for a fence permit, Bears/Backen, mc.

Motion to sign contract with Straight Stripe for airport maintenance project, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Motion to approve catering permit for Lakeside Liquors for the Turkey shoot, Kennah/Backen, mc.

Motion to appoint Connie Hippen to the Crook County Promotion Board, Kennah/Backen, mc.

Motion to approve the SPOT Tax resolution as read, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Motion to approve the budget amendment 5-1-2024, Backen/Bears, mc.

Terri Johnson made the motion to adjourn.




Melissa Bears/Clerk-Treasurer

Publish: June 13, 2024

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