Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community


Hulett Town Council

The Hulett Town Council met on April 3, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council Backen, Bears, and Johnson, Mayor Parsons. Absent was Brian Kennah.

Motion to approve the minutes, Johnson/Backen, mc.

Motion to approve the agenda, Backen/Bears, mc.

Martin Palmer asked about putting in a sidewalk, council said that was fine. He will bring a sketch next month.

Financial report: Council needs to think about SPOT Tax and if the town wants to participate again. Motion to participate again in the spot tax with the same wording as last time. Motion to approve the financial report, Backen/Bears, mc.

Police report: Quiet, stolen vehicle has been recovered.

Public works: Crack sealing at the airport finished. Pravecek not happy with the results so contacting FAA about it. Skid steer is on its way and should have it next week. Jordan has been exercising the valves and there is a leak behind Terri Johnsons in the alley.

Recreation: New president is Brian Neiman and Melissa Williams is treasurer.

Fire Dept. Minutes brought in.

Bills: Motion to pay general, Backen/Bears, mc. Motion to pay the airport bills, Bears/Backen, mc. Motion to pay capital facilities bills, Bears/Backen, mc.

Old Business: None

New Business: Clean-up will be April 19-26th.

Motion to renew the Union Cell contract, Backen/Bears, mc.

Election proclamation was read for May 14th 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Two council people. Brian Kennah and Terri Johnson are going off.

1st reading of the 2024-2025 budget, motion to approve it Johnson/Backen, mc.

Public hearing for the purchase of a 2024 Ford F600 $71,000 with a trade. No written or oral responses. Motion to purchase said vehicle as long as all conditions can be met, Johnson/Backen, mc.

Budget workshop is set for April 17th at 6 p.m.

Motion to approve the crack seal project at the airport, Backen/Bears, mc.

Summer help wage will be $15.

Motion to have Mayor sign contract with Crook County Family Violence, Bears/Backen mc.

Motion to approve the building permit lot 1 at the Golf Course, Bears/Backen, mc.

Motion to adjourn.

Publish: May 9, 2024

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