Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community

Crook County Sheriff's Office

Oct. 30 – Five VIN checks. Paper service. Two traffic stops. Suicidal subject. Fingerprints. Citizen assist. Two assist other agency. Motorist assist. Two EMS pages.

Oct. 31 – Five traffic stops. Four motorist assists. Two fraud calls. Project Lifesaver. Citizen assist. Gun call. Lockout. Two EMS calls.

Nov. 1 – Five VIN checks. Two traffic stops. Animal complaint. Trespassing. Two welfare checks. Accident. Two motorist assists. Two business checks. Two EMS calls.

Nov. 2 – VIN checks. Paper service. Three traffic stops. Welfare check. Four business checks. Deliver message. House watch. Two EMS pages.

Nov. 3 – Accident. Two paper services. Four traffic stops. Animal bite. Animal complaint. Business checks. Citizen assist. Fire page. EMS call. Motorist assist. Ten VIN checks.

Nov. 4 – Animal complaint. Assisted another agency. Assisted Wyoming Highway Patrol. Business checks. DUI. Paper service. EMS call. Traffic hazard. Four traffic stops.

Nov. 5 – Two accidents. Animal complaint. Assisted another agency. Business checks. Paper service. EMS page. Two traffic stops.

Inmates – Seven males, one female.

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