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Western Family and Consumer Sciences Show coming soon

The 61st Western Family and Consumer Sciences Show will be held Oct. 6 and 7 at the Central States Fairgrounds in Rapid City. The event consists of 12 contests held over two days, which are open to all youth ages five though 18 from all states and some contests have an adult division.

The show will conclude with an awards celebration at 3 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 7 in the Walter Taylor Building on the fairgrounds. During the final event, there will be a style show, memories shared and entertainment as well as presentation of the top awards. In some cases, several generations are participating in the show.

The 12 contests are Lego, FCS judging, produce ID and judging, FCS skill-a-thon, meat identification and judging, family life photo, sewing contest, place setting, public presentation, measuring, home living and cookie decorating (non-competitive).

A major change this year is that the family life photo, home living and sewing contest items will not be interview judged and maybe entered both Friday and Saturday. The garment/modeling portion of the sewing contest will be judged on Saturday morning only.

The contests are held on Friday from noon to 6 p.m. in the Walter Taylor Building and Fine Arts Building and Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon.

The meat identification contest is only held on Friday from noon to 6 p.m. in the Walter Taylor Building. Public Presentation is only held on Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon.

More information about each contest and a schedule can be found in the show book on Facebook under Family and Consumer Science Show, at your local extension office, by emailing Chris Maupin, [email protected] to request a booklet, or by calling show president, Peggy at 307-283-1229.

If you would like to share your musical talent or share a memory at the awards celebration, please contact Chris Maupin.

Hilary Risner has been chosen as the 2023 show honoree. Since 2017, Hilary has served as 4-H Program manager, Regional Youth Educator with the South Dakota State University Extension Service in Rapid City.

Also during this time, she has served as the Western Family and Consumer Sciences Judging contest chairman where she selected the classes and ran the contest which continues to be popular at the event and has doubled in number of participants.

Hilary is no stranger to 4-H and FFA having been active since she was seven years old. She grew up in Talent, Oregon and showed sheep, cattle and participated in public speaking in 4-H and Career Development events such as parliamentary procedure, creed and prepared speaking in FFA.

She attended SDSU receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture Communication and first served as a 4-H program advisor in Douglas and Bon Homme counties.

Hilary commented,” It has been such a pleasure getting to work with the event planning committee and all the families that engage with the Western Family Consumer Sciences Show. I hear time and time again; this is an event that everyone looks forward to due to its laid-back nature. I can’t agree more!”

Hilary will be moving but still working with SDSU Extension. The show board of directors will truly miss her dedication to the show, her leadership in setting up zoom meetings, hosting us at the West River Ag Center and her special brand of friendship. We extend best wishes to her.

Sixty years ago, a group of Extension agents, 4-H leaders and parents held the first Western Junior Home Ec Show which is now known as the Western Family and Consumer Sciences Show (FCS Show). According to show president, Peggy Turbiville, Sundance, “We want everyone to come and enjoy, meet new people, and hopefully build friendships that will last a lifetime.”

The show historian, Ree Reich, Belle Fourche and Chris Maupin, Publicity Chairman, Hulett, have organized six large scrapbooks of historical items which will be available for viewing during the show. The 86th Western Junior Livestock Show will run from Oct. 4-8, also at the fairgrounds.

While the number of participants has declined over the years, the friendships and learning opportunities make it a worthwhile opportunity for youth and families from South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Montana and other states.

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