Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community

Crook County Natural Resource District

July 11, 2023

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

July 11th Regular Board Meeting & Budget Hearing Minutes

CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:02 pm by Chairman Wayne Garman at the Sundance USDA Service Center.


Board: Wayne Garman, Lily Altaffer, Kim Fundaun, Casey Devish, Wanda Burget

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Jessica Halverson, Carmen Horne-McIntyre (call)


Water Quality Program Updates by Carmen & Jessica

Grant updates Board signatures are needed for the recently awarded NACD UAC Grant. Lily made a motion to sign the financial documents, Casey seconded. Motion carried. Carmen went over the new requirements listed in the NACD TA grant RFA for the Board. Discussion

WACD review committee – Casey made a motion for staff to prepare a draft letter to send to WACD and NRCS state office and use electronic signatures, Kim seconded. Motion carried.

Upcoming educational events One day workshops to be held with CCCD are being planned for later summer and early fall. Water sampling should begin this month, the SAP is still in progress. Permissions need to be acquired for new sites. Jessie and Carmen will have a meeting tomorrow with Keyhole State Park about sampling tributaries into Keyhole or specific areas at Keyhole we should look at. The new SAP is encouraging us to sample year-round although this may not be possible at our sites due to flow and ice.

Carmen attended the NPS task force mtg in Cody.

One water quality BMP project is underway, one canceled the contract due to cost.

Forestry Program Update by Sarah

USFS Forest Plan Revision Due to another change in the acting supervisor role at the USFS progress has been stalled. Tomorrow Sarah will attend another cooperating agency meeting. The assessments are still in DC; the proposed changes to the Endangered Species act will affect our forestry/wildlife projects.

Grant Updates Wildlife and forestry projects going well, there is only $390 left to allocate of wildlife money. There is a possibility of more grant funding to pursue in September.

Office Manager Update by Bridget

E-cycling Donations have started to arrive for the September 9th event. Sundance State Bank would like to do a check presentation. Lily will do this with Bridget to help promote the event.

State Funding criteria has all been met for the August deadline. Work on the website continues, we are now able to send email updates and create mailing lists for those interested in program updates such as the tree sale. The F-32 financial report has been submitted to the Department of Audit. Bridget would like approval to purchase a table cover for our fair booth and outreach events, as it may be over the $250 purchase limit. Casey made a motion to approve the purchase of a table cover, Lily seconded. Motion carried.

Financials Reconciliation Reports prepared by Bridget were reviewed and signed by the Board.

Approve June 6th, June 29th Minutes A motion was made by Kim to approve the June 6 and June 29 minutes as presented. Lily seconded. Motion carried.


Final budget approval Kim made a motion to move $15,000 to vehicle reserves to be put into an interest-bearing account. Lily seconded. Motion carried. Options for interest bearing accounts were discussed, but the current Investment Policy and Resolution 2016-01 states the vehicle replacement funds must be held in District savings account at Sundance State Bank. A motion to approve the FY 2024 final budget as presented was made by Wanda and seconded by Lily. Motion carried.

TIME OFF REQUESTS were approved.

Motion to adjourn was made by Chairman Wayne Garman at 3:13 pm.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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