Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community


Hulett Town Council

The Hulett town council met on March 1, 2023. Present was Council Backen, Bears, Kennah and Mayor Parsons. Absent was Councilwoman Johnson.

Motion to accept the agenda, Kennah/Backen, mc.

Motion to accept the minutes, Backen/Bears, mc.

Motion to approve the financial report, Backen/Kennah, mc.

PWD – A water leak was repaired at the corner of Sager/Hunter.

Bills – Motion to pay general bills, Backen/Bears, mc.

Motion to pay airport bills, Kennah/Backen, mc.

Motion to pay landfill bills, Backen/Bears, mc.

Land swap – Council will have to wait until land is platted.

Motion to advertise the commercial property at $2.50 SF. Bids will be accepted until April 1, 2023.

Budget workshop and hearing for zoning at the Red Devil Phase 3 will be held at 7 p.m. on March 16, 2023.

Motion was made to have the Mayor sign the MOU with the School regarding the GHCC, Kennah/Backen ,mc.

There will be a workshop with Kenny Rathbun to discuss the platting of RD Phase 3 on March 7th at 6:30 p.m.

Cleanup will be held April 21-30, 2023

Motion to adjourn.

Publish: April 13, 2023

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