Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community

GHCC Board


The GHCC Board met on March 13, 2023. Present were Bobbi Butler, Mike Bears, Ted Bears, Charlie Hook, and Melissa Bears and GHCC administrator Michelle Kreisler. Absent was Heather Shoun and Audrey Ebsen.

Financial - $117,534 in checking.

Kreisler informed the board that a conservation partner is needed for the turkey shoot. There have been a couple of suggestions and information has been received.

$12,300 was received from the endowment fund.

The board will be looking for a janitor and people to deep clean before the turkey shoot. Motion was made to raise the wage to $17.50 and 20 hours a week, Hook/Bears, mc.

The MOU with the school is good for two years and has been signed by the GHCC,Town and School.

Discussion on the floor cleaner. Ted Bears suggested changing the batteries first.

Michelle has been working on a new facility agreement and reported that Calvin Wolf asked about archery nets.

A few more tables are needed before the turkey shoot, 6 foot.

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