Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community
Hulett Town Council
The Hulett Town Council met on Feb. 1, 2023 at 7 p.m. at the GHCC. Present were Council Backen, Bears, Johnson, Kennah, and Mayor Parsons.
Motion to approve the agenda, Kennah/Backen, mc.
Motion to approve the minutes, Bears/Backen, mc.
Andy Bears asked about using Hunter, Sager and Riverside streets for Urban Golf. Motion was made to allow this event, Kennah/Backen, mc.
Financial – Bears reported she sent in additional information for the SLIB grant and they will meet the end of the month. The 2nd direct distribution was received in the amount of $45,000. Motion to approve, Backen/Johnson, mc.
Police – Chief Motley reported 2 new cases.
PWD – Busy moving snow. Pravecek stated he has been visiting with Duane Faucett about the sewer ponds and a possible update in the next 3-4 years. Brian Jordan is doing great.
Motion to pay general bills, Kennah/Backen, mc.
Motion to pay airport bills, Backen/Kennah, mc.
Motion to pay landfill bills, Bears/Backen, mc.
Mayor report – In light of the increase in health insurance the Mayor feels that the town should consider paying for only the employees going forward. Council agreed, will have the attorney write something up for the personnel policy.
The land swap with the school was discussed. The town still has to get the residential portion platted with the lots. The Mayor would like the planning and zoning commission to review before the town proceeds.
Bill Motley brought up the renumbering of IV Bar Road and Red Bluff Road. This has been in the works for years and he would like to see the town and county proceed. Johnson/Bears made the motion to proceed forward with the renumbering of those streets.
Council discussed extending Sager to intersect with Red Devil Drive. Motion was made to go to the end of the road to north side to property line and to go to bids for this, Bears/Johnson, mc.
Mayor read the proclamation for designating Hulett as a Purple Heart Town on March 25th, motion to adopt, Backen/Kennah, mc.
Motion to adjourn, Backen/Kennah, mc.
Publish: March 9, 2023