Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community

Homecoming Week Schedule

Events began Tues., Sept. 6. Following is the schedule for the rest of Homecoming week.


Dress up day: Anything but a Backpack Day

Class Activity: Pool Noodle Relay during beginning of 5th period. Students will report back to class when done.


Dress up day: Hoist Your Colors: Seniors – White, Juniors – Black, Sophomores – Red, Freshmen – Hot Pink, JH/Elementary – School Colors (Red/Black)

8-9 a.m. Powder Puff Football

8-11 a.m. Build/finish floats. JH students report to gym for JH Buff Puff VB.

11 a.m. Parade

Booster Club BBQ immediately following parade followed by Buff Puff VB.


12 p.m. JH Football

2 p.m. HS Football

5/6 p.m. HS Volleyball

9 p.m. to midnight – Homecoming dance

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