Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community
Hulett Town Council
The Hulett Town Council met on Feb. 2, 2022 at 7 p.m. Present were Council Backen, Johnson, Kennah and Mayor Parsons. Absent was Councilman McCollum.
Motion to approve the agenda, Backen/Johnson, mc.
Motion to approve the January minutes, Kennah/Backen, mc.
Financial report was given by Clerk Bears. Motion to approve, Johnson/Kennah, mc.
PWD – No surprise but meters are getting harder to get. The upper blower at the sewer ponds is having some issues. Pravecek thinks it is still under warranty and is working on resolving the issue. A new generator at the sewer could cost upwards to $75,000. Still searching on options. Pravecek will be meeting with a crack seal company that will be working in Dayton.
Motion to pay general bills, Backen/Johnson, mc.
Motion to pay airport bills, Backen/Kennah, mc.
Waiting on a corrective deed for the Moody property purchase.
Neiman Inc. submitted a building permit to bring in a home and place it on Birch St. Motion to approve, Kennah/Backen, mc.
Brandon Johnson submitted a building permit to add on to the house on 215 Bush. Motion to approve the permit, Backen/Johnson, mc.
Urban golf will be held March 19th 2-5 p.m. Streets used will be Sager, Hunter and Riverside, motion to allow, Backen/Johnson, mc.
Motion to go into executive session about personnel, Kennah/Backen, mc.
Motion to come out of executive session and into regular session, Backen/Kennah, mc.
No action taken.
Motion to adjourn, Kennah/Backen, mc.
Publish: March 10, 2022